Felicity: la historia de la humanidad en el centro del mundo
An aerial view of the tiny town of Felicity, home of The Museum of History in Granite, The Church on the Hill and a 21-foot-tall stone-and-glass pyramid pyramid marking the Official Center of the World, on April 10, 2023. - The tiny town of Felicity, which borders Yuma, Arizona and Mexico, was founded by French-American Jacques-Andre Istel, 94, and is the home of Istel?s passion project, the Museum of History in Granite. Istel?s Sonoran Desert town also enjoy the whimsical distinction of being the ?Center of the World? thanks to it?s official recognition as such on the behalf of both California?s Imperial County and France?s Institut Geographique National. (Photo by Robyn BECK / AFP)

Felicity, Estados Unidos.

Después de huir de una guerra, graduarse en Princeton, crear una empresa, luchar en ora guerra y 639 saltos de paracaídas, Jacques-André Istel decidió que el siguiente paso en su vida era fundar un pueblo en el desierto el centro del mundo.

Y grabar en él, apenas, la historia de la humanidad.

Istel, un franco-americano de 94 años con un increíble repertorio de anécdotas y hazañas, fundó Felicity en 1986 en el desierto de California en un lote baldío que compró décadas atras.

In this drone aerial photo the granite panels engraved with the History of Humanity and The Church on the Hill are seen in the town of Felicity, home of The Museum of History in Granite, on April 11, 2023. - The tiny town of Felicity, which borders Yuma, Arizona and Mexico, was founded by French-American Jacques-Andre Istel, 94, and is the home of Istel’s passion project, the Museum of History in Granite. Istel’s Sonoran Desert town also enjoy the whimsical distinction of being the “Center of the World” thanks to it’s official recognition as such on the behalf of both California’s Imperial County and France’s Institut Geographique National. (Photo by Robyn BECK / AFP)

Lo que comenzó con dos pequeñas casas se convirtió en un lugar descrito por turistas como "extravagante", "kitsch" y "fascinante".

Felicity alberga piezas como un reloj solar cuya aguja es una escultura del brazo derecho de Dios pintado por Miguel Ángel en la Capilla Sixtina, y un antiguo pedazo de la escalera de la torre Eiffel.

Pero el corazón del pueblo es un ambicioso museo al aire libre. Una sucesión de 723 enormes paneles de granito rojo en las cuales fueron grabadas cápsulas sobre historia, geografía, política, ciencia, moda y cultura.

"Esto no existe en otro lugar del planeta", dice Istel, quien bautizó al pueblo en honor a su esposa Felicia.

An aerial view of the tiny town of Felicity, home of The Church on the Hill (L), The Museum of History in Granite (C) and a 21-foot-tall stone-and-glass pyramid pyramid marking the "Official Center of the World," (R) on April 11, 2023. - The tiny town of Felicity, which borders Yuma, Arizona and Mexico, was founded by French-American Jacques-Andre Istel, 94, and is the home of Istel’s passion project, the Museum of History in Granite. Istel’s Sonoran Desert town also enjoy the whimsical distinction of being the “Center of the World” thanks to it’s official recognition as such on the behalf of both California’s Imperial County and France’s Institut Geographique National. (Photo by Robyn BECK / AFP)